In House Lunch Instructions
Face masks must be worn in the building at all times, except while eating at your table
Before Entering the Building:
- Pull up car to main entrance
- While remaining in your car, a staff member will ask you a few screening questions and take your temperature using a touch-free thermometer
- If the questions are answered satisfactorily and your temperature is within an acceptable range, you may then go park your car and proceed to the first table outside the main entrance doors
Entering the Building:
- Hand sanitizer will be provided for you to use before entering the building and face masks will be provided if you do not have one
- You will notice some new signs around the building reminding you to wear a face mask in the building and to observe 6 feet social distance whenever possible
- There are also floor stickers that remind everyone to stay a safe distance from one another
- The floor stickers are where you stand and wait for the next available spot to move forward
- At the floor sticker inside the second set of sliding doors, Judith will check your name off the lunch list
- Donations are requested and may be placed in the donation box at the check-in table with Judith
- Continue following the floor stickers until you reach the entrance to the café
While in the Cafe:
- You will be greeted by a staff member when it is your turn to enter the café
- The tables and chairs will be set up so everyone can remain 6 feet apart while eating. People in the same household can eat beside one another at their table
- You will be given your lunch and then shown to your seat where you may eat your lunch
- Once you are done eating, grab your trash and tray and take it to the trashcan by the side exit
- The trash goes in the trashcan and the tray gets placed on the counter
- Exit the building by the side exit where your trash was thrown away
- Please refrain from stopping at other tables to chat with other members
Bathroom Use:
- Women’s restroom: only 2 people in the restroom at once
- One person in the handicap stall and use the sink in the stall to wash your hands – then exit the bathroom without stopping at any of the mirrors or the main sinks
- One person in the first stall, use the main sinks to wash your hands
- If you see someone walking out or into the other stall while you are exiting your stall, wait in your stall until the person passes goes into their stall or exits the bathroom
- Men’s restroom: only one person allowed in the restroom at one time
- Chairs will be set up 6 feet apart outside both restrooms so people may sit while waiting for the restrooms